
You’re probably wondering, “Why would I ever want to donate to this company?” Here’s why:

1. “Every last drop” of your donation will be used to help people in need – We don’t pay our staff. We don’t even reimburse them for expenses. 100% of your money gets spent directly on helping people. Any money you contribute to funding water filters will go directly towards buying and installing water filters, and training people how to use them.

2. We’ll try to make your money go twice as far by aggressively pursuing matching grants – To date, 100% of donations to Aztech Labs have been matched by our primary funding source. If you donate money, they’ll donate money. We’re also in discussions with Lions Clubs and Rotary Clubs to pursue matching grants for future donations.

Adopt A Family…………………………………………………………………….$32

Donate one bio-sand water filter to provide a needy family with clean water for 25 years.


Adopt Ten Families………………………………………………………………$300

Donate ten water filters to ten needy family that is unable to purchase filters.

Filter 10


Adopt A Village Partnership………………………..……….………………….$3,000

Provide up to 90 filters to households in a needy village (each family, or partner,
must pay a small portion of the cost of each household filter and the remaining
cost is subsidized by the sponsor), provide soap and education program for
village children, and employ a community steward for one year.


Earmarked & Other Donations………….……….………………..Your Donation

For earmarked “Wish List” donations and other giving, please indicate item and/or
your donation amount.


Matching Grants

Want to arrange matching grant with us?

Contact Us

One thought on “Donate

  1. Pingback: We’re Two Kids Providing 1,000 Bio-Sand Water Filters to Families in India | Donation & Charity

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