Defeat Duke
Fellow Tar Heels, I am Zach Hunter, I am collecting donations from UNC to help give water filters to people in need. But my brother Aidan, the only Dukie in my family is collection donations from Duke. Donate now, prove that UNC is awesome, and generous, and donate to Aztech Labs. If we win against Duke three things will happen:
1. UNC Will Have Won in Yet Another Competition Against Duke, show some college spirit, do it for the rivalry.
2. All the Water Filters Will be Painted UNC Blue, so people in India will know of how awesome UNC is.
3. My Brother Will Lose a Bet. When we win my 9 year old brother will have to wear a UNC shirt for a week to our school (which will be awesome), and also sheepishly eat lunch at Qdoba on Franklin street bordering the UNC campus while wearing a Duke shirt, so be ready to boo at him.
And no matter what, if you donate, you will save lives.
- Maximum of $25 per Person, this rule was made so that an Iron Duke or some other rich guy could go and end the competition with just one donation
. - You can Pay for Your Relatives, if you grand-parents don’t want to travel all the way to North Carolina and don’t have a Paypal account you can pay for them, to do so you must pay using the earmarked donations button at the bottom of the Donation Page, and explain that you are paying for a family member or friend, this is so we can know that you aren’t just paying multiple times
- Feel Free to Set up a Coffee Can, by all means, go ahead and place a coffee can or set up a table to collect money for UNC, then give the total amount collect at the earmarked donations page, just remember, don’t let people donate more than $25
. - You can Pay Online, click on the button below, and yes, the $25 rule is also in effect for online payments